Saturday, February 12


When asked her favorite color this week, Natalie didn't reply with her usual PINK! She instead told me that her favorite color is glitter. It figures since she has 3 pairs of glitter shoes, glitter tutus and glitter everything else you can dream of. So we decided to make her Ballet class Valentines glittery. She had a little party and came home with some loot! It was like Halloween! I am not one to talk, as I couldn't just buy some little cardboard ones, I am lame. But they turned out pretty cute, and the mini cupcakes I made were divine!
Today was a big fun day for us. We love sports around here, and we especially love the Mavs. They are the NBA team here in Dallas, for those who are totally out of it! We have season tickets to the D league team, and so we get some really cool opportunities. One of those was today when we got backstage passes to the Mavs. They, of course, were out of town but we got to go downtown and check out their grounds.
We took the train down, which the kids loved, and then went in and underground, literally. We got to check out their practice gym, their locker room, their workout room, their training stuff and even the showers and toilets. There are a TON of pictures, but I know there are some who actually would want to see this stuff like we did!
We all went in for a big cheer "MAVS!" And Natalie had to get in on it. She would put her arm in, and then shout when we all did, but then get really shy and scared right after. It was pretty funny.
Their locker room was posh. Someone there said that it is nicer than the cowboys NEW locker room. We got to try on their jackets and sit in their chairs, but we were not allowed to touch their personal things as they are superstitious about certain things!
I liked this, it was Jason Terry's stuff in his locker. I just like how I act like they are so big and famous and untouchable and then you go and look and see the books they are reading, and games they are playing and remember they are just people.
They had a sweet set up. Cooshy chairs, poker table, pool table, ping pong, and pretty much anything you could think of!
Even their toilets were sweet. Stained glass!! We did get REALLY personal with them! Their showers are really tall, like 7 something, to make sure all of the players can stand under them.
Natalie is becoming quite the artist. Here is her rendition of the court.

Donny Nelson is the president of the Mavs. We got to hang out with him in his office. This was really cool. That big board in the back has all the players on all the teams, with their contract info beside them. This is where the magic happens, trades, firing etc. We got the inside scoop!

Then another train ride home and we were all pooped out. It was so much fun, I just wish we could have met the players too.

I also ran a 5 miler today. I came home and literally dropped to the floor. I have run a lot more than that before but for some reason today it killed me. I was, and still am, so tired and sore. UG!

Dont forget about this sweet thing. 5 months old today! She is growing way too fast. Love that girl.


Alysha Sladek said...

SO COOL!! That's awesome!
I can't believe Courtney's 5 months already. Sheesh where does the time go?

Unknown said...

that pic of Court it hilarious! What a smudge muffin!

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

what a Little princes!! can you teach me to make bows??? please!? aLSO, WAY TO GO ON THE RUN! one day...after the knee replacements that will be me!