Tuesday, January 5

starting today.

For some reason it only seems right to wait to start my "resolutions" until I get home. On vacation the naniamo bars, old dutch chips, and every other Canadian goodie you can think of is totally within the bounds of vacation food. At home - off limits. So today I started. Get back those 5, maybe 10 lbs I gained while here in Canada. PLUS running and weights are back in session. Honestly I am really excited to get back on track. Two words to describe the last few weeks though YUM and WOOF.

So for a recap of the time we have spent here:

Movies seen:
Sherlock Holmes - 2 thumbs up
The Princess and the Frog - 2 thumbs up
Anne of Green Gables - always a 2 thumbs up
National lampoons Christmas Vacation - 2 thumbs up
New Moon #3 - still as good as the first time 2 thumbs up
Learned; Canada does not edit movies on tv.

Books read:
The Hunger Games- excellent
Family histories - excellent
US weekly and people - EXCELLENT

I love Christmas traditions(nativity reenactment, pjs, gingerbread houses, Scotch stew, Christmas crackers, GOOD Chinese food, and lots of family), I love having children around to enjoy the spirit of Christmas, I love music around the holidays especially singing them, I love to spend time with people I love, and I dislike the cold and snow, and lacking sleep from having too much fun.

Best Memories of this Christmas; Boggle, Bowling, crummy Canadian cold zoolites, Making Aunt Bonnie sit through Anne of Green Gables, non stop crusty snotty noses, the non pajama pajamas, plasma car, parties, ping pong, eye of the tiger, Myrrh, squealing voices, The magic kingdom (thank you scattergories), crazy early swimming, British Invasion, soap finger painting, hamster smell, and the hissing cat.

So picture proof... bowling. Another lesson learned, 5 pin bowlins sucks.

NEXT, Gingerbread. Another lesson learned, PAIN in the neck to keep this tradition going!

Bells on Christmas Eve. So fun. Even getting a headache through it.
Nativity, best wise man I've ever seen and Natalie was SO excited to be a shepard.

New tradition: Talent Show. Lesson learned, we really stretched for a family talent!

Christmas Morning. Santa was good.

Dinner Theatre. Really fun. But seriously who wears an entire dress made ONLY out of lace? You could see everything, EVERYTHING under that thing. I didn't think people really wore stuff liike that in public anymore. But the show was awesome.

I love going home. And now on with the New Year and my new resolutions!


emblair said...

Natalie's little piggies are simply adorable. She's starting to look like such a big kid!

Alysha Sladek said...

sounds like you had a ton of fun. cute pictures. i'm so sad i didn't take any during the holidays. i LOVED the hunger games - have you read catching fire??? SO GOOD and the 3rd comes out in august!

Julie said...

how fun! and just do what we do and call the talent show the UN talent show!!!! Good times. And yes, those Canadian goodies will get you EVERY time!!!! All Dressed Old Dutch potato chips...YUM!!!!!!

Abby said...

LOVE the pic of Natalie at the bowling alley, with her two pigtails and bows. Looks like you had TONS of fun in Canada- as usual.

Proud Momma said...

Wasn't that a great way to start off your resolutions with pizza last night?

Anonymous said...

Nanaimo bars are soo deadly! Love them! We had so much fun hanging out with you guys! It was about time too!