Today is the first day of a brand new week. I'm excited to set some new goals, both family and personal. I'm feeling motivated to make some changes. New jobs for kids, eating better, more organized, working out more, reading and studying scriptures more, more prayers, cooking more, and many more. I've just been in one of those Just getting by phases and I feel like I need to step it up.
The little boy that I have been watching the last 3 months is gone now and today is my first day to not be up for him. It feels good. And I can now go back to the gym, and finish my classes faster. I hope to be done by the wedding which is in 2 weeks. So really I just need to bust my butt and get busy!
I have also been trying to have more fun with the kids, so the other day we have ice cream sundaes for dinner, then had food after. It was simple but it was fun! Or I'm usually pretty controlling over something like their food, I've been trying to let to and then let them have seconds for dessert. I know I'm crazy right?! Ha
Brian and I have both been really busy and we have been in need of a date night, well this week we went to Brian Reagan, the comedian and it was really fun. He's funny and we were in good company with the haslams and the beihns. Dinner and the show was just what I needed, too bad I dosed off in the middle, I was so tired!
Soo here's to starting another week and this time starting it off right!!!
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