Saturday, August 27

Grateful to serve

I am exhausted. After 5 1/2 hours at the church last night and another seven hours at the church today, our clothing drive and swap has come to an end. 
Our stake collected clothing and shoes of all sizes for the last several weeks and my presidency and I, as I have newly been called to be the stake primary president, together with the activity day girls did a clothing swap.

There was so much stuff donated and so many willing people to come and help. It was such a wonderful experience. My girls stuck by my side for most of it and helped as much as they could. 

I was overcome this morning with a feeling of joy of the people we are helping who were there going through finding things for their family. I love the way service makes me feel. When everything was finished at 2 o'clock we bagged up the remaining clothing items which ended up being very close to if not 100 trash bags of clothing and shoes.

It was all taken out to a friend of mine who is heading up to Louisiana on Thursday where they are part of the relief effort through the local stakes up there that are in need. 

I am just so grateful for people who are willing to help and give endless amounts of their time and energy to help a good cause. I am so proud of these activity day girls for helping and being so happy. I was able to meet some very sweet girls! 

This was our first big activity as a presidency and although we definitely made some mistakes overall I think it went wonderfully. I am so happy to be working with such wonderful ladies!

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